Vishu Sadhya Recipes

Vishu Recipes

About Me

Hi  Friends! Welcome to my new blog of cooking.

I am Anu Jeyaganesh , the cook,writer and photographer behind this blog. I live with my Husband and little princess Mithu (Mithraa) who is 5 years.

My free time get passed by looking after my daughter, preparing for final CMA, crafting and watching few TV shows like Neeya Nana, Highway on my plate.

Like most of housewives I also developed my interest in cooking gradually after marriage and entered into perfection by time. My family members appreciation has a great role in keeping me to try out new.When usual south & north Indian  recipes form part of our regular menu I do try out some international varieties. Most of the traditional recipes I cook are from my mom, MIL and people in and around my family.

Since then I started exploring the virtual world of blogs it has inspired me to a great extent. I search into more varieties from various websites, cookbooks, magazines and some TV shows. I have started this blog to share my interest which will be useful for me in future and for many viewers like me.

I am a beginner in baking though tried out some bakes in microwave oven. I recently bought my electric oven exclusively for baking and most of my baking recipes are my initial attempts.

I use my Nikon D3100 DSLR camera which my hubby bought it for me, with 18-55 mm lens to shoot my final clicks and Canon power shot for step-wise pictures. I am not a professional in photographing and learning the basics of food photography. Please bare with my initial clicks. I use presently Picasa 3 to edit my pictures.

I have tried out all the recipes in my kitchen and posted with step-wise pictures and tried to make it clearly understand for my viewers.

Hope you will have a great time visiting my blog and be useful.

If you have any queries and suggestion ,do contact me on .

Your comments and suggestions will keep me moving a long.

Thank you for visiting here.



  1. Hi anu,stopping here for the first time. Same like you looking after my son and carrying out my passion. You can spend some free time in visiting my site and for non veg and share your thoughts.

  2. Hi Anu.. you have a wonderful space with awesome recipe collectives.I noticed that your presentation and photography is too good.. Great going.. Happy blogging :)


Hi Friends! Thank you all for visiting my blog. Without your comments and suggestions nothing is complete which is highly appreciable.
Thank You!!